We Facilitate Bank instruments SBLC for Lease and Purchase. Whether you are a new startup, medium or large establishment that needs a financial solution to fund/get your project off the ground or business looking for extra capital to expand your operation,our company renders credible and trusted bank guarantee provider who are willing to fund and give financing solutions that suits your specific business needs.
We help you secure and issue sblc and bank guarantee for your trade, projects and investment from top AA rated world Banks like HSBC, Barclays, Dutch Ing Bank, Llyods e.t.c because that’s the best and safest strategy for our clients.e.t.c
1. Instrument: Funds backed Bank Guarantee(BG) ICC-600
2. Currency : USD/EURO
3. Age of Issue: Fresh Cut
4. Term: One year and One day
5. Contract Amount: United State Dollars/Euros (Buyers Face Value)
6. Price : Buy:32%+1, Lease: 4%+2
7. Subsequent tranches: To be mutually agreed between both parties
8. Issuing Bank: Top RATED world banks like HSBC, Barclays, ING Dutch Bank, Llyods e.t.c
9. Delivery Term: Pre advise MT199 or MT799 first. Followed By SWIFT MT760
10. Payment Term: MT799 & Settlement via MT103
11. Hard Copy: By Bank Bonded Courier
Interested Agents,Brokers, Investors and Individual proposing international project funding should contact us for directives.We will be glad to share our working procedures with you upon request.
Name: Muhammed Emir Harun
Contact Mail :info.financewizardltd@gmail.com
Skype: info.financewizardltd@gmail.com
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Date: 28/06/2018
Subject: Geniune BG/SBLC for Lease and Purchase
Date: 27/06/2018
Subject: Bitcoin Support Number
Coinbase Technical Support Number @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/coinbase-customer-service-phone-number/
Ethereum Helpline Number USA @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/ethereum-customer-service-phone-number/
Gdax Customer Support USA @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/gdax-customer-service-phone-number/
Gemini Support USA @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/gemini-com-customer-service-phone-number/
Hitbtc Customer Care Number @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/hitbtc-customer-service-phone-number/
Paxful Support USA @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/paxful-customer-service-phone-number/
Bitfinex Technical Support @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/bitfinex-customer-service-phone-number/
Iota Helpline Number @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/iota-customer-service-phone-number/
Date: 27/06/2018
Subject: Детские замки на окна
Услуги Интернет-магазина "Авалор" будут полезны как обычным гражданам, так и владельцам ресторанов, банков, магазинов и прочих учреждений, в помещении которых могут находиться дети. Наша компания реализует детские замки на окна, которые станут гарантией безопасности ребенка, находящегося в помещении. К слову, такие блокираторы будет вполне уместно устанавливать даже в одноэтажных домах.
Довольно часто детский замок может стать достойной альтернативой традиционным оконным решёткам.Таким образом, Вы сможете защитить свой дом от грабителей, надежность и высокое качество детских замков мы гарантируем.
Блокиратор, в большинстве случаев, закрепляется на нижнюю створку окна и не даёт ребёнку открывать створки нараспашку.В том случае, если Вам нужно будет открыть окно, к примеру, для того, чтобы полить цветы, Вы сможете воспользоваться специальным ключом.
На сайте нашего интернет - магазина Вы найдете замки, которые крепятся на пластиковые или металлические окна.Наши изделия легко вписываются в различный интерьер благодаря широкой палитре цветового оформления.Среди большого ассортимента товаров у нас Вы можете заказать замки серого, коричневого, золотого цвета и т.д.Мы реализуем продукцию проверенных и известных брендов, в числе которых:BabySafeLock BSL, Roto и другие.
В интернет - магазине "Авалор" Вы сможете приобрести замки определенного принципа действия.У нас представлены замки врезные, оснащенные специальным тросиком, а также в виде цилиндра.
Вы хотите выбрать качественный замок, который подойдет для Вашего окна как нельзя лучше?Звоните нашим специалистам, чтобы получить подробную консультацию по интересующему Вам вопросу.Свяжитесь с нами по телефону, и мы обязательно поможем Вам сделать правильный выбор. При этом, заявки на покупку изделия можно оставлять самостоятельно на нашем сайте.
Сделав заказ на <a href=avalor.ru/ok-dv/blokiratory/detskie-zamki-na-okna/trosikovye-zamki/>гибкие ограничиели окна</a>, доставка осуществляется по всей территории Российской Федерации, при этом мы предлагаем несколько способов оплаты.Вы можете перевести средства:
- на банковский счет нашей компании;
- через электронные платёжные системы Яндекс.Деньги или Qiwi;
- с помощью использования услуг транспортной компании. Обратите внимание на то, что наличие наложенного платежа существенно увеличивает стоимость услуг транспортной компании.
Посетите наш официальный сайт, чтобы выбрать качественный замок и уже в скором времени получить заказ на указанный адрес.
Date: 26/06/2018
Subject: Подскажите где вы купить качественные оригинальные часы?
Всем привет, скажите пожалуйста иде позволительно докупить высококачественные уникальные времена
Date: 26/06/2018
Subject: We are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC
IQ FINANCE PLC provides a full financial planning service to both the commercial and domestic markets. At IQ FINANCE PLC we believe that financial planning is about two things: creating wealth and protecting wealth. These two objectives are at the heart of everything we do. And, as a member of IQ FINANCE Services, we give you a small-company service but with a large-company set up – the best of both worlds.
You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs as well as in signature project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication, construction of Dams, Bridges and any other turnkey project(s) etc. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable.
Leasing Price : 4%+1%
Buying Price: 32%+2%
Contact us for more details on our terms and procedure of transaction.
email : info.iqfinanceplc@gmail.com
skype: cpt_young1
Date: 22/06/2018
Subject: Bitcoin support
Paxful support USA @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/paxful-customer-service-phone-number/
Bitfinex Support USA @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/bitfinex-customer-service-phone-number/
Bitit IO support Support USA @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/bitit-io-customer-service-phone-number/
Bittrex Support USA @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/bittrex-customer-service-phone-number/
Blockchain support USA @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/blockchain-customer-service-phone-number/
Cancoin support USA @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/cancoin-customer-service-phone-number/
Cex IO support USA @ https://www.1800customerservicenumber.com/product/cex-io-customer-service-phone-number/
Date: 22/06/2018
Subject: Производственная СВ компания "Триада" предлагает
Производствосветодиодных табло валют, бегущих строк, табло для АЗС
Date: 21/06/2018
We are major/Direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC, POF, MTN, Bonds and CDs and this financial instruments are specifically for lease and sale.We are one of the leading Financial instrument providers with offices all over Europe.
we always deliver on time and precision as Set forth in the agreement. You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs, project financing, Credit line enhancement, Corporate Loans (Business Start-up Loans or Business Expansion Loans), Equipment Procurement Loans (Industrial Equipment, Air crafts, Ships, etc.) as well as other financial instruments issued from AAA Rated bank such as HSBC Bank Hong Kong, HSBC Bank London, Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt, Barclays Bank , Standard Chartered Bank and others on lease at the lowest available rates depending on the face value of the instrument needed, Our Terms and Conditions are reasonable.
1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG)/SBLC (Appendix A)
2. Total Face Value: 10M MIN to 50B MAX USD or Euro
3. Issuing Bank: HSBC, Deutsche Bank Frankfurt, UBS or any Top 25 .
4. Age: One Year, One Day
5. Leasing Price: 4 1%
6. Sale Price: 32 2%
7. Delivery by SWIFT .
8. Payment: MT103-23
9. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days
We are ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days, if interested do not hesitate to contact me direct.
Name:May Gary
Date: 21/06/2018
Subject: Business startup
Do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain loan from local banks/other financial institutes?
I work as an affiliate with Ford Credit Centre ( located in Georgia, New Mexico ) they are here to meet your needs with well tailored Lending program.
We offer:
Loans for trucks, trailers, tractors, boats, car purchase and personal reason.
Business startup and other types of loans are available.
We are dedicated in providing alternative funding options to those that don't fit into the conventional lending system.
If you are interested in getting a loan text me or contact me so we can proceed with getting you approved and funded.
Becky Ford
WhatsApp:+1 404 400 4210
Date: 20/06/2018
Subject: We provide genuine BG/SBLC for Lease and Purchase
We are direct mandate to providers and facilitators of all types of Bank Guarantee (BG), SBLC for Lease and Purchase. We engage in MTN, PPP programs, MT109, MT799, MT760, Loans, Sale and Lease of Financial Instruments. In addition we have a
track record of 100% deliverance rate with the best workable procedures in the Financial Instruments industry. Our providers are very reliable and ready to transact.
We have an excellent relationship with top rated banks in both Europe and Asia, Stock brokers and financial institutions all over the world. Within a short and transparent transaction period we can provide the SBLC/BG for your Heavy/Light project funding.
We look forward to your cooperation as we establish a successful business relationship. Anticipating your inquiry
Email: tekstructuredfinanceltd@gmail.com
Skype: tekstructuredfinanceltd
David Thomas