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Date: 04/09/2019
After losing up to $10k while trading on Binary Options, I tried getting my money out from U-binary option broker account and was unable to place a withdrawal. I found my self wading through excessively complicated terms which seemed impossible to meet, all because I traded with an unregulated broker. The unregulated broker stocked my trading capital and denied me access to my account. This left me hopeless until I read a post about KING ZEUS ability to recover lost funds. I've recovered all my lost funds & I can boldly say that KING ZEUS is a certified binary recovery expert. If assistance is needed, kindly get in contact with him on H A C K K I N G Z E U S AT G MAIL DOT COM & (407) - 900- 6299 & you'll be guided on effective steps to take to get back all your lost funds in days.
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Date: 02/09/2019
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Date: 02/09/2019
My spouse credit score was really messed up,his security clearance states that he has to have good credit but recently his credit score has dropped drastically due to financial crises he encounted when he lost huge amount to a business partner,so i can’t be linked to him.its just 9 months since I’ve been rebuilding my credit with my regular non travel BofA credit ,though i have perfect payment history but due to the crises which got my husband i have also been late with few payments and all debts total 12 k.During this period i applied for AMEX card and i got decline with a credit score of 609,so painful i got declined after all my explanations to them.This burden was so much on us,the credit repairer my husband hired for 6 months now without any changes and he keeps demanding for additional fee without any improvement.we decided to take a quick solution,during my scout for a good credit repair company i got the email of - NEOGONZALEZHACKS@GMAIL.COM -from MARY.i hired him to fix my credit before recommending him to my husband,i am so happy i got saved with all late payments deleted and few were paid off,AMEX just approved me and my husband just got his score raised to 820 SCORE.
Date: 02/09/2019
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